Did you know?
Operational Excellence
As thousands of visitors choose the Las Vegas Monorail to travel the Las Vegas Strip everyday, the Monorail’s operation technicians are continually working hard behind the scenes to ensure that the system runs efficiently and effectively. Below is the inside track behind the operation of this 3.9 mile system that carried its 100th millionth rider in 2023.
106,000,000 million
riders since opening.
Massive Transit
Las Vegas is host to countless trade shows, conventions, and public events that draw in millions of visitors per year. During an average 4-day citywide convention, Las Vegas Monorail carries 140,000 passengers.
In Service Rate
140,000 Passengers
70,000 Car Trips
2,546 Bus Trips
Trains, Trains, Trains!
Our trains utilize 36 Bombardier Innovia 200 cars — nine trains with four cars each;
= 9 Trains
Each train has seating for 72 passengers and standing room for 150, with a total capacity of 222.
One Amazing Track...
in Total
That's a lot of track! 4 Miles to be exact!
Ground on Average
The highest point is over 60 Feet high.
Running Surface
One of the smallest footprints of any elevated train.
Greening the Desert
Las Vegas Monorail provides significant reductions in vehicle miles and emissions for our Southern Nevada community. In fact, the Las Vegas Monorail has been responsible for eliminating nearly 44 million vehicle miles on our roadways.
The Monorail is
100% Electric
and runs
ZERO Emission Trains!
Since opening, the Las Vegas Monorail has been responsible for keeping over 600 tons of CO, VOC and NOx from being emitted as a result of its operation.
747 Passenger Jets
Operational Fun Facts
Las Vegas Monorail provides significant reductions in vehicle miles and emissions for our Southern Nevada community. In fact, the Las Vegas Monorail is responsible for eliminating nearly 44 million vehicle miles on our roadways.
Over the course of an operating day, our control center database collects approximately 450,000 sensor notifications that are analyzed both in real time and at the end of a day to correct any potential issues on the spot (i.e. reset a door alarm because a train door was held open) and identify/correct an issue prior to the next operating day.
In 2024 alone Las Vegas Monorail carried over
5.4 Million Riders
That's almost the entire population of Singapore.
We use a lot of
Each train has 48 tires total and our entire fleet uses 432 tires at any given time. The Las Vegas Monorail system went through 363 tires in 2017.
32 guide tires (sideways on the beam) per train. 288 total in the fleet.
8 load wheels (on top of the beam) per train. 72 total in the fleet.
4 steering tires (sideways on the beam) per train. 36 total in the fleet.
4 lateral tires (sideways on the beam) per train. 36 total in the fleet.